Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Conceptual Ideas - with medium

1) The story of a city (artwork comprised of handwritten stories from (city) residents), mixed media on canvas
2) Constant connectivity of 21st century life, created with upcycled wires, gadgets, etc. from old technology, possibly a sculpture
3) Cycles that occur between generations (ex: education, lack of education, etc.), created on a circular type of canvas, painted with acrylic and ink
4) "Normal" - norms that vary by culture, major differences in norms from culture to culture, photography, use of tinted elements?
5) Women and societal roles - how they've changed from 50 years ago to today, artwork created from old and modern advertisements to make up a larger picture
6) Animals and their similarities to humans - emotions, relationships, roles, create illustrations or whimsical paintings that show animals and humans expressing similar body language/emotions
7) Anthropology - the study of a culture through a series of artwork, appropriation opportunity, take old images of artwork and create a "new" artwork on top of it showing how the culture has changed/adapted from then to now
8) Health's role in your life - how it can affect your life, taint the glass, change daily perspective, small artworks (3x3" canvases) depicting things that are taken away or missed due to a health related problem
9) The Sea - an underwater world, watercolor studies that combine elements of nature, salt, water, etc.
10) Handwriting - variations of handwriting and what they mean, a study of handwriting, collage created of many people writing phrases with the same prompt: My dream is _____, showing that we all speak a common language but each have a unique mark to make (in handwriting and our role in society)
11) Everyday objects turned into works of art - finding beauty in the everyday, painting intricate objects we make use of every single day but pay very little attention to
12) A novel transformed into an elaborately illustrated story through a series of fine artworks, artworks created from the pages of the book
13) The story of a letter, series of works showing its content developed to its delivery, series: 1: content of the letter happens 2. letter is written 3. letter is carried/delivered 4. letter is read (paintings on envelopes)
14) Classroom installations - installations to teach lessons in the art classroom; create four installations that teach students about different elements of art... example: 1. cover a room in string in various forms to show line on a major scale
15) Typography - expressive typography that expresses mood, concepts, themes, etc (giant letters); give famous artists, important historical figures, pop stars, scientists, a typographical letter to represent would it be designed? created in a stamp that can be reused?
16) Upcycled stories - original stories created by taking words, phrases, illustrations, etc from upcycled books - new stories created from old stories, within a book that is permanently open...
17) Upcycled letters - original personal stories created by taking words and phrases from vintage letters, old junk mail, etc., -->create a fake letter from someone throughout history or character.. what would it look like? what would it say?
18) Monoprints with makeup - the "female face" painted onto acrylic then pressed onto paper
19) Upcycling - modern art created from throw away products, such as glass bottles, old notebooks, etc.
20) Least favorite artworks sectioned into pieces to create a new piece of artwork, process, process, process, playing on the idea that we do not always know what the result will be
21) Children's artwork - the development of their process and abilities
22) The world inside a seashell.. needs further development --> don't want to do this idea anymore... but if I did I would create it through chunky wood paint showing a beautiful aesthetic that the world does not see because we only see the exterior
23) Small worlds, eco-systems, ponds, etc.... creating geographical maps of these mini eco-systems, much like we have world maps, showing that each species has its own "world" in which it lives
24) Homes - types of homes, city apartment, suburban home, igloo, what different types of homes mean, highlighting characteristics of homes through visuals, ex: warm, cozy, busy, loud, quiet, etc. how can colors and style speak to solitude? how can line and space speak to chaos?
25) Portraits of 5 different types of geniuses falling into the 5 minds of the future categories, creating images of these geniuses in mediums that relate to their strengths, ex: musical genius will be created in a portrait made of staff paper, etc.
26) The human language - body language that go across languages... need some ideas for this!
27) A study of monuments and what they mean to a culture - if a monument represents freedom, could it be recreated in a material that represents freedom? not crazy about this idea... could be pushed further
28) Miniatures... a look into a world the public does not usually see: odd places of work, a sunken ship, life on the moon, the inside of a volcano (almost like a fairytale/children's book of what it could look like)
29) A study of keys, keys as a metaphor? what are the keys of life and what doors do they open? supportive family, education, money - all things that can be keys, could make large keys that are crafted from these materials (fake money (resources), pencils and books (education), love (family photos), safe home, etc.)
30) "Modern/social news" (Ex. facebook news feed) presented through classic journalism, example: laid out w/ vintage letters (stamps) or written with typewriter (what's relevant changes when information is limited)
31) Country/border study, create a series of work showing one nation's geographical & cultural changes, a work created with layers, velum and transpaerencies that can possibly be lifted to see how things have changed
32) School art and "real art" comparisons, a comparison of art projects in classrooms today to what they could be (or how an artist would redesign that concept) -->this could be used as a type of propaganda to show the ways in which art curriculum can be pushed
33) Wardrobe quilts - 4 quilts, each quilt representing a different "type of person"... one quilt is made of business clothes, another quilt is made of uniforms, one made of food (chef) etc.
34) Giant clock made up of blocks of time portraying daily life... different slivers of images within the clock represent the various allotment of one person's time in a given day (series could be of each clock representing a different culture and how they dedicate their time)
35) A study of re-creation: famous artworks recreated using people and props and then captured through photography
36) House murals - what homes would look like if a mural was painted on each exterior to represent the family within (could do this on 2' paper - mache houses)
37) Giant letters (we're talking 5' tall) comprised of all the objects that start with that letter... either painted or the objects themselves.. could do a theme of what types of words..
38) Playing with the idea of moveable homes, homes that can travel all over the world. Inspired by the movie Up - hot air balloons, balloons..
39) What does a colorless world look like? A series of paintings in gray scale... I would hate doing this, but would definitely push the concept of what color means in this world. 
40) One piece - created across four mediums - painting, ceramics, 3D, installation, illustrator etc.
41) Illustrated children's book real-life photography using people, props, etc. ex: Le Petit Prince
42) Abstracting a portrait, taking an image of a person and gradually abstracting them over a series of 4 images (the last being the most relatable for the largest group of people because it has the least specific details)
43) What would Picasso's, DaVinci's, Georgia O'Keefe's, etc. Facebook profile look like - this could be better for a lesson someday, engaging students in studying backgrounds and personas of artists
44) Objects abstracted in a series of four, from most specific to least specific
45) Create one piece of art using every medium of art I have ever learned + a new medium
46) A study of trees, 3D sculptures, each tree representing a tree metaphor, the money tree, the giving tree, the forbidden fruit tree..
47) A study of sound and how it has been produced over the past century... possibly a sculpture series?
48) Clothing created from art materials, paper, canvas, paint, string, fabric - The Artist's Wardrobe
49) A study of important symbols in various regions of the world and what the icons represent (ex: eagle in U.S.,... cross, flags, etc.
50) Study of flag colors - what different colors mean in different regions of the world
51) Miniature homes made of only recyclable or natural materials...
52) Paper dolls - global paper dolls, what the various types of clothing mean in certain cultures
53) Paper dolls - identities we try on and off through adolescence 

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