Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Social Media reflection

What is your personal perspective on utilizing social networking sites (such as Facebook) for education? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?
Even though I would consider myself well-versed in social media, and a regular user of multiple social media platforms, I would have to argue that no one can truly know the long-term effects of social media, and especially social media/networking in education. Personally, I believe that it is essential for students to be well rounded in that they can take advantage of modern technology, but also understand how to build and maintain human connection. As I have said before, I think there is a beauty to being still and noticing deeply that we must also teach our students.

That being said, I have seen some wonderful applications for social media use outside of the classroom, but focusing on class content. For example, Michelle Livek has shared the way students use social media to connect with their classmates outside of the classroom. Students can see the development of others’ work by connecting through hash tags and other social media grouping strategies. I know that the art teacher at Douglass High School asks his students to tweet him images of art-related work that they notice in their daily lives. Perhaps the best use of social networking sites for education is for homework because chances are that students are already utilizing these networks outside of the classroom anyways. Why not allow them to fill their feed with exciting and personal content related to your curriuculum?

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