Thursday, October 3, 2013

Reflection on Unit-asking

Because I am normally a multi-tasker when it comes to making art, and most areas of life, I tried uni-tasking for this creative project. I chose to observe and paint a small pot of succulents. More than anything, I found the process somewhat meditative, I could focus easily on the shadows, shapes and colors of the objects, and found my brain sorting through other information as well, reviewing my day. In a way, I suppose you could say that this is still multi-tasking... is it unescapable?! I very much enjoyed painting an the plant from observation in silence. I was not expecting to feel this way, but found the exercise very relaxing. I had no choice but to notice deeply and reflect often on the choices I was making. I also wonder, though, did I enjoy this because I love art, and appreciate taking notice of details, or are all students capable of enjoying such a uni-tasking project?

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