Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Globalization set the stage for international artists to come together in themed-large scale exhibitions called biennales. I am particularly interested in the Okwui Enwezor's approach to the 2nd Johannesburg Biennale where artists explored "border crossings" related to "shifting political landscapes." This would be an extremely engaging and educational experience for those visiting attending the show due to the vareity of perspectives and stories found in one place.

This idea could be applied to one (and probably many more) of the 50 conceptual ideas I came up with for my project over the course of the semester. My concept that involved taking handwritten stories from Columbia residents and including them in an artwork to tell a joint story would speak to the theme of globalization. I would include stories from many of our foreign students studying here or people that have immigrated to the U.S. and settled in Columbia. I think this would be a great way to represent the many types of people living in the Columbia area and what each person has to bring to the table.

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