Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Bird's writing about conceptual art fits in perfectly with the content of Studio Thinking. The author quoted Michelangelo to emphasize the importance of thinking in the creative process; "A man paints with his brains, not his hands." I think this is relevant to the work we will produce throughout the semester because of the amount of time we will dedicate to the brainstorming and thinking that takes place before the actual production of work.

I often find myself losing patience in brainstorming and thinking about ideas before jumping in and using my hands. Because I am the type of artist that gets struck with inspiration and instantly wants to create, I struggle to take a step back before beginning to contemplate how I could make the work stronger or more conceptual. However, when I force myself to spend more time thinking about my work and what I want it to mean or a larger, more conceptual scale, I often feel more satisfied with the final product knowing how much thought and self-expression I have put into it. As I produce a series of artwork over the course of the semester, I plan to spend more time on the thinking, hopefully in turn being more successful at producing.

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