Wednesday, September 11, 2013

8900 Examples of artwork

Below are two examples of my artwork. In the past year, I have fallen in love with mixed media. I love to incorporate painting, collage, drawing, layering and vintage materials into one piece. My aesthetic is very whimsical and illustrative. I love to play!

The two pieces below are examples of my students' work from South Korea. They each created a "patch" of the identity quilt, having to include a silhouette of their head, something representative of their home, and some information about who they are and what they like to do. Together the blocks made a beautiful quilt (which is partially captured in the second photo below).


  1. I love the illustrations! While I worked on my BFA at MU was a drawing emphasis and took every drawing course Mark Langeneckert taught. He is such a talented illustrator but he works with pen and ink mostly and not computers. I took illustration four times actually. Color is a requirement in 90% of my artwork so your images are just awesome!

  2. I agree with Esther - your illustrations are fantastic! I hope you have the opportunity to continue with this play throughout your program. You could be rolling in the dough! You should check out http:/// Its an online store geared at kid's rooms - your work would be a fabulous fit. Seriously not kidding.
