Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Artist Statement

Through the minds hat series I have created, I aim to capture the essence of the intelligences which the hats represent: the creative mind, the synthesizing mind, and the respectful mind. The hats pay homage to those who have exemplified these qualities in unique and extraordinary ways. Often under-recognized in traditional schooling, these minds have not only made great strides for humanity throughout history, but are expected to be some of the most relevant and useful thinkers in the future. I wish to expand the notion of intelligence and provoke the viewer to recognize the importance of diversity in thinking and education.

Throughout the series, the common form is the hat, a metaphor for the ideas and discoveries growing from the creative, synthesizing, and respectful minds. The creative mind hat is built in the shape of a magician's hat, as creativity is an enchanting and mysterious process. The synthesizing mind ...(I will add something here after I create it)... The respectful mind (I will add something here after I create it)...My goal as an artist is to translate the importance of recognizing, utilizing, and growing all intelligences in the education realm and in life. I hope that my work expands the meaning of intelligence for the viewer.

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