Sunday, September 16, 2012

BIG Idea Book: Cover, page one and two

My big idea is the different kinds of intelligences and the way they can be used in art making! For those of you who were in Steve's class with me this summer, you know that for my final project I wrote and illustrated a children's book about the different kinds of minds, so I thought this would be a great way to talk about how art education can hone in on those intelligences!


  1. OOh What a cool idea. I would love to see your children's book from summer. Please bring it to class. Are you going to be looking at our aggregate intelligence or just a few of Gardner's 8 intelligences?

  2. Thanks, Dr. Unrath! I will bring it today to class. I have a PDF version on my laptop.

    Also, I was originally planning on basing the types of intelligences off of Gardner's seven intelligences, but perhaps I should look into the aggregate intelligence you have mentioned.
